Based on an economic study, which assumes a 30-year return on investment, the rent for the commercial arch is set at CZK 350 per sqm/month, for the creative arch at CZK 180 per sqm/month and for the start-up lease at CZK 45 per sqm/month. In addition, utilities must be added to the rent at the rate of CZK 200 per sqm/month for the commercial arc, CZK 150 per sqm/month for the creative arc and CZK 75 per sqm/month for the start-up arc.
The model rent for the commercial arc of 85 m2 is a minimum of CZK 350 per sqm/month, which determines a minimum monthly rent of CZK 42,800 per month, plus CZK 17,120 for services, for a total rent of CZK 59,920 per month.
The model rent for the area of 77 m2 of the creative arc is a maximum of CZK 180 per m2/month, which determines a monthly rent of CZK 13,876 per month, plus CZK 11,564 for services and the total rent is therefore CZK 25,440 per month.
The sample rent for a start-up arch of 58 m2 is a maximum of CZK 45 per m2/month, which determines a monthly rent of CZK 2,609 per month, plus CZK 4,349 for services, and the total rent is therefore CZK 6,958 per month.
15 February 2021 – Council of the Capital City of Prague Resolution No. 243 – takes note of the use of built-ins in the arches of the Negrelli Viaduct in the approved study. Three operating models are envisaged:
● commercial lease at a predetermined rent, with competition for the type of operation and the programme of the enterprise. Fixed-term lease for 5 years, with subsequent renewals at two-year intervals (40% of the arches)
● Creative lease at a predetermined price, defined as a maximum for the term
a fixed term of 3 years, to be renewed at two-year intervals thereafter (40%)
● start-up (subsidised) lease for one year (20%)
4 October 2020 – Viadukt z.s. is preparing an economic study and rental prices provided by the capital city of Prague.